Next week’s New York primary may make burnt-out spectators excited about this election again. One person who’s very pumped is Jimmy Fallon, but his enthusiasm for everything usually approaches critical mass. So, Fallon and Ted Cruz starred in a dreadful comedy skit where the former dressed up as Donald Trump with duck face and bad tan intact. The effect, somehow, was to make Cruz appear almost likable. Was that the point of the Campbell’s Chunky Soup addiction, too? Politics is a strange business.
Cruz needed this boost after his disastrous Bronx campaign stop, which was only a natural result after the Texas senator dissed New York Values by saying, “Not a lot of conservative come out of Manhattan, I’m just saying.” Cruz was trying to insult Trump, but angered an entire state, and no amount of last-minute matzo making can save him now. But this Fallon bit? Not bad for Cruz, who had no problem poking fun at himself with this fake-out attempt to not pander:
“Look, Donald, I’m not going to pander to New Yorkers … I love New York City. It is the greatest city in the world with the best looking audiences in the entire world, so when I said New York values, I was merely trying to say I value New York, except I was saying it backwards, the way Yoda would say it.”
Again, Fallon was so bad that he made Cruz look good, and watching a serial killer pour brown liquor always guarantees a smooth sensation. In the below photo, the guy laughed at himself in Wisconsin and won the state. He won’t manage the same in New York, but it’s fun to watch him trying.