Ted Cruz currently awaits the arrival of Saturday’s South Carolina primary with a load of distractions coming his way. First, a White House ballot case just kicked off in Chicago, where a voter has objected to Cruz’s presence on the GOP campaign trail. This goes back to the contention that Cruz is not a “natural-born citizen” and has no business trying to become president. Cruz’s camp has not commented upon the case.
In the meantime, a few more brewing controversies have kind of blown away pesky issues like citizenship. For starters, Cruz brought a special guest, Duck Dynasty‘s Phil Robertson, to his Friday rally in Charleston. Robertson has bestowed his coveted endorsement upon Cruz for the GOP nomination, and he made more unfortunate statements of support a few weeks ago. So, Cruz has rewarded Robertson by suggesting him to be UN ambassador: “How much would you pay to see the Russian ambassador’s face when Phil says, ‘What is wrong with you people?'”

Now for the real scandal. Some jokester started a rumor that Cruz may be the elusive Zodiac Killer. This is not a new theory, surprisingly enough. The mere thought is a preposterous one — Cruz was born in 1970, years after the Zodiac Killer began his tour of terror — but the internet asks the obvious question. Have you ever seen Ted Cruz and the Zodiac Killer in the same place (at the same time)? No one can vouch for this claim, so Twitter has issues.
Ted Cruz was born in CALGARY. The Zodiac Killer's first two victims were named CAL and GARY. #ZodiacTed
— kneel jung (@ZeppoWilbury) January 20, 2016
movie fact: bill murray whispers "ted cruz is the zodiac killer" to scarlett johansson at the end of lost in translation
— adam (@burgerkrang) January 20, 2016
Throughout this fight, one man has kept the dream alive. On Friday, he kept madly tweeting (and retweeting) to keep this issue at the forefront before South Carolina gets busy.
Well, all I have to say is that a Google search bestowed me with even scarier options. Do people really think Cruz could be “the best” and “the Penguin,” too? This speculation is getting out of hand.