Open mic night at the Whitesplain Improv
— Sami Shah (@samishah) August 12, 2017
The influx of white supremacists, Nazis and far-right nationalists in Charlottesville, Virginia has become a front and center issue following violent clashes. Things have escalated to the point of Virginia Governor Terry McAuliffe declared a state of emergency on Saturday amid the chaos surrounding the Unite the Right rally. Some truly frightening and disturbing images are coming out of Charlottesville, but you can always rely on Social Media™ to mock racist idiocy with an expert touch.
The image of a gaggle of Tiki Torch wielding white supremacists inspired Twitter to have a field day with the patio set Nazi swarm staring back into the camera. For a fire brandishing vision of hate, it was incredibly easy for folks to point and laugh at these snarling men and silly accessory of intimidation.
When these guys mom's come home and see that all their tiki torches are missing from their patio decks.
— Matthew A. Cherry (@MatthewACherry) August 12, 2017
First the alt-right reclaimed Pepe The Frog and now Tiki Torches…what's next Febreeze, Glade Plug-ins?
— Matthew A. Cherry (@MatthewACherry) August 12, 2017
"Guys, we need to look tough"
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/— Marybeth Glenn (@MBGlenn) August 12, 2017
when you have to use a polynesian cultural product (tiki torches) to defend and assert white supremacy 🙃
— tunde olaniran (@tundeolaniran) August 12, 2017
You're well fed and can afford new polo shirts and tiki torches. What do you have to bitch about? Mom saying not to play ball in the house?
— Nathan Quarry (@NateRockQuarry) August 12, 2017
When you think you're the master race but you can't figure out how to make your own damn torch.
— Rex Huppke (@RexHuppke) August 12, 2017
Im not scared of racist white men gathered on a college campus with Tiki torches from the Walmart clearance aisle. I'm just not.
— schway lex! (@Lexual__) August 12, 2017
When u realize u forgot to DVR "Young Sheldon" before u went out
— Anna Drezen (@annadrezen) August 12, 2017
42 year old white men: *burns tiki torches shouting heil trump*
fox: this isn't a riot it's just goofy kids killing time on their gap year— . (@jaboukie) August 12, 2017
My name is Nathan Fielder and I graduated from one of Canada's top business schools: sales have been slow at Jeb's Tiki Supplies, but I've–
— Guy Endore-Kaiser (@GuyEndoreKaiser) August 12, 2017
Sorry to all the tiki-waving goose-steppers in #Charlottesville, but this torch is bigger & brighter than yours. 🗽
— Celeste Katz Marston (@CelesteKatzNYC) August 12, 2017
Michael Rapaport took to Instagram to run down the “little coffee cup wearing white nationalists”
Unless this is all one repugnant viral marketing stunt, it seems like the torches brandished had the exact opposite effect than the men holding them intended. They went for intimidating and instead teed themselves up to be picked apart in hilarious fashion.