You probably know the drill by this point, but so that all the listeners are aware, we’ve just released our second-ever Frotcast live riff, where you can follow along with us as we talk over The Meg, starring Jason Statham, which just hit HBO Go. Yes, this one is only for our deep-pocketed, incredibly beautiful and generous $20-tier Patreon subscribers.
This Bonus episode of the FilmDrunk Frotcast is available to our Patreon subscribers. Become one today!
Ladies and gentlemen, boys and girls, all creatures great and small, big shark and little shark alike… it is finally time for your monthly SUPER B-B-B-B-B-BONUS episode of the FilmDrunk Frotcast: Mystery Frottage Theater! As promised, every month we invite some of our best friends to the frotquarters to watch/talk trash about a movie. This month, by some miracle, HBO GO decided to release the Jason Statham shark film The Meg a mere three days before the scheduled pod. So we invited Sean Keane and Jessica Sele over to experience The Meg and the result is, well, you have to listen to the episode to truly appreciate the impact this masterpiece had on all of our lives. Thank you to all the Patreon subscribers who make this possible, and we hope you enjoy the experience of us experiencing The Meg. (-Matt)
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