One of the highlights of the Julia Louis-Dreyfus-hosted SNL was “God Is a Boob Man,” a pitch-perfect parody of recent religious films like God’s Not Dead and… God’s Not Dead 2. You’ve got yourself some effective satire when the person being spoofed calls the spoofer “diabolical.” It’s not a compliment.
Famous “white singer who made black music sound boring” and God’s Not Dead 2 star Pat Boone, who previously accused President Obama of having a “Photoshopped fraud” of a birth certificate, told the Hollywood Reporter that SNL “went over the line” with “Boob Man,” and “believers in God deserve an apology.” You mean the way Little Richard deserves an apology for this?
“God has a sense of humor. Why else would he invent the porcupine and the giraffe? Something can be devilishly funny, but this skit is diabolical. God has only one real enemy — Satan. Satan ridicules faith, and they’re taking Satan’s side. They’re also ridiculing me and the film, telling impressionable young people not to see it because it’s ridiculous. Then they throw in that the lawyer is Jewish to make the Christian look even worse, but it’s just anti-Semitic.”
“This skit was outright sacrilege. They know if they did this to Muslims they’d have to be put into the witness protection program. There’s nothing sacred at SNL — except maybe the words ‘Mohammad’ or ‘Allah.’ They’d never take those names in vain, but when they called God a ‘boob man,’ they took his name in vain.” (Via)
If Boone, who claims he used to religiously watch the sketch series, had his way, every SNL would be hosted by a porcupine, with musical guest, a giraffe. Actually, that sounds pretty good. Can’t be worse than Trump.
(Via the Hollywood Reporter)