Back when Pokémon Go was announced, the promo video featured a little wristband type object, called the Pokémon Go Plus, that you could use with the app somehow. Just how it would work wasn’t entirely clear, but we’ve gotten more details and, finally, a release date.
The Pokémon Go Plus will arrive Sept. 16 for $35. It pairs with your phone via Bluetooth and, when there’s a Pokémon or Pokestop in the area, you just hit the button, and the wristband will automatically gather items and, potentially, catch Pokémon. Considering we had a 16 CP Shellder break out of a ball and run away just this morning (heartbreaking; true), we’re assuming the Plus won’t have a perfect catch ratio (although we’re crossing our fingers).
The main question for many people is whether this will “ruin” the game, but if Niantic’s presentation about Pokémon Go at Apple’s iPhone event yesterday emphasized anything, it was that Niantic wanted us to keep our phones in our pockets while we were out and about. Bagging Pokémon is supposed to be a pleasant side effect and motivator to visit local landmarks, not the main reason you’re outside. Which, granted, might be underestimating the game’s huge audience.
Some may view this as cheating, but it’s really just another way to interact with the game without it consuming all of your attention, keeping your hands free to do other things, or saving you from trying to catch Pokemon in the middle of crosswalks and on private property. And don’t forget: It’s not necessary to play the game.
(Via Engadget)