After Microsoft pulled out all the stops with their Xbox One X reveal, Bethesda disappointed a bit with their late Sunday night conference. We got a cool Wolfenstein trailer, but for the most part, nothing new was shown beyond Doom VR which looked, okay. It doubled down on the fact that Bethesda is focusing heavily on the VR sector with Fallout 4 leading the way. We were even getting Skyrim on the Nintendo Switch with Link’s Master Sword! Cool!
Then Sony’s conference showed off a plethora of games for the PSVR, and everything changed.
For the third time in six years, Skyrim was announced. From the initial PC, Xbox 360 and PS3 release, to the remaster on PS4 and Xbox One and PC, to the Nintendo Switch, and now, Playstation VR, Skyrim simply will not die. Ever. It could take a million arrows to the knee and keep on coming. Naturally, the announcement was met with a somewhat positive response, because it’s Skyrim, one of the best games ever, but just who is this game for?
If you’re a huge Skyrim fan, you already played the hell out of it over half a decade ago. Since you were such a huge Skyrim fan, you probably played the remaster. Now, are you supposed to play it a third time (at least)?
Twitter was not happy. Understandably, they just want a new Elder Scrolls game. But hey — if this leads to new innovations in VR, it’s a good thing. But how much is this gonna cost? Another $60?
#E3 is just a front to get you to buy another copy of Skyrim every year
— Ryman of TNF Podcast Fame (@CantStopRyHop) June 13, 2017
The first thing I saw when I turned on Sony's E3 conference was Skyrim VR. That's a pretty apt summary of this entire E3. #SonyE3
— Seibaa @ Champ Miu!!!! (@SeibaaHomu) June 13, 2017
skyrim is one of my favorite games but even i'm sick of seeing a newly released iteration of it on every new THING. stop this #E32017
— skinnedteen (@hiimjade) June 13, 2017
Hey, remember when Skyrim was popular and arrow in the knee jokes were a thing? This was also before Obama's second term
— Channel 47 (@channel47tv) June 13, 2017
Todd will never let skyrim die
— Angelo (@BigBoyAngelo) June 13, 2017
They are milking the hell out of Skyrim. I love that game, I really do, but I'm ready for a new Elder Scrolls
— Rain 🩷 (@pinkladykoss) June 13, 2017
Good for you guys, #Skyrim is the best game ever made in modern era so definitely help others share the experience. But we need #TES6
— Jason Donald Partington Poetry (@JDPPoetry) June 13, 2017
This is the second conference so far showing Skyrim as a mainstay. That was barely passable as a remaster for Bethesda. It isn't 2011, stop.
— Cody (@Code_ith) June 13, 2017
— Krystal ver. (@mordorxvx) June 13, 2017
Wouldn't be surprised if my watch had Skyrim on it.
— Lewis (@AgentSmiz) June 13, 2017