X-Men And Deadpool Film Updates

Empire interviewed X-Men producer Lauren Shuler Donner about First Class and the in-development Wolverine and Deadpool projects (more magazine scans after the jump).  She told them there the story from the first trilogy isn’t over and X4 and X5 are moving forward.  The cast of X3 and First Class should settle the question of who plays their character by jello wrestling for it.  Loser has to be in the movie.

Donner also spoke about the still in-development Deadpool movie:

Donner confessed that it would be “a total reboot. We’re either going to pretend that [Wolverine] didn’t happen, or mock it, which he could do.” [Ed- We’re way ahead of you on the “pretending that movie didn’t happen” thing.]

[…] And Donner also confirmed that this would be the Deadpool of the comics, and not the mute mutant we saw in last time around, right down to Deadpool’s scarred face. “I’m tellin’ ya, it’s true to the comic,” she laughed. “You’ll see all of them. You’ll see Wade Wilson, the good-looking Ryan Reynolds! You’ll see Deadpool in his costume and you’ll see the cancer-scarred face.” [Empire]

The magazine article (not apparently online) read by ThePlaylist also quotes her as saying “it’s an R script, it’s really irreverent and violent.”  An R-rated Deadpool movie which may self-referentially mock Wolverine?  Hell to the yes.  Let me express my approval by building some walls, then breaking the sh-t out of the fourth one.

[Sources: ThePlaylist, Empire, LATFG]