Good news for dog loving geeks, which I assume should be almost all geeks with a full heart life bar. Young Urban Puppy has handmade, custom fit outfits for your favorite, furry video game companion. Each outfit is $24.50 and can be purchased here.
Parsnip is a dachshund who loves looking her best, but never can find clothes long enough to fit her swanky physique. Young Urban Puppy makes CUSTOM fit clothes for the canine who knows couture. Best of all, every outfit comes complete with a matching headband to put the finishing touches to make your little one look FIERCE!
My favorite part of this story, besides the fact that these awesome costumes exist at all, is the look on Parsnip’s face. I love that she stares straight into our eyes with a questioning, searching gaze that seems to say to me, “I have no idea what is happening or why everyone is laughing in delight when they see me.”
Keep clicking to check out all of Young Urban Puppy’s geekiest outfits.