George Takei Ends the Kirk/Leia Feud To Beat on Twihards

Someday, we’ll be mature enough to feature an article about George Takei that doesn’t have him running around sweaty and shirtless. Today is not that day.

Anyway, we recently brought you news that William Shatner and Carrie Fisher were having a not-entirely-serious feud on YouTube, which included at least two horrible images of William Shatner, one of which involves him wearing a T-shirt that seems to want to give the impression that his torso has been smeared with raspberry jam.

Now that you’re back from your bout of nausea, we bring you what should be the conclusion of this particular string of ironic jokes, George Takei’s opinion that we need to set our differences aside and focus on what really matters: destroying “Twilight”.

Considering I saw the latest movie five times as part of an endurance test, I’m forced to agree. Video under the jump.

[ via the peacemakers at Blastr ]