We’ve featured Prometheus parodies here before, like the amazing reveal of the space jockey, Joel McHale’s “Happy Birthday David” promo, and the picture above, wherein someone noticed the similarity between the Engineer and a certain “Spongebob Squarepants” character.
As you may have gathered from our Prometheus review, the “hard sci-fi” effort was a flawed but likable and beautifully-shot movie in which characters who were supposed to be intelligent did some really stupid, nonsensical things. Things like (spoilers) taking off their helmets around alien goo and playing with a snake-like creature found on an alien planet. As one does.
Barely Political (previously featured here for their Walking Dead and Mad Men mashup) made a training video befitting the Prometheus crew. Written by Todd Womack, Mark Douglas, and Bryan Olsen and directed by Tom Small, the video is my favorite of Prometheus parodies so far. With helpful on-the-job slogans like “Don’t wait: Investigate!” and “When you touch goo, you shouldn’t have gloves on you”, we finally understand why the movie’s characters acted as they did. The video is below and includes potential spoilers and a bit of NSFW language.