So This Happened: Hugh Jackman And Psy Did Gangnam Style With Wolverine Claws

“Well, those invisible horses are dead.” — kaspershow

5 Albums Coming Out This Week That Don’t Suck |UPROXX|

Life Lessons We Learned From ‘The Twilight Zone’ |Warming Glow|

Bill Murray calls Kelly Lynch’s husband every time he sees her sex scene in Roadhouse |Film Drunk|

The Supreme Court (And One Brat) May Get Rid Of Affirmative Action Today |Smoking Section|

Beyonce For Super Bowl Halftime Show Is Shockingly Not Terrible |Kissing Suzy Kolber|

Alex Rodriguez Is Still A Grade A Poon Hound |With Leather|

The Empire PSYkes Back |Daily What|

6 Flight Attendants Gone Wild |Mental Floss|

The Parisian Trampoline Bridge |High Definite|

Dr. Steve Brule Has Something to Sell You |Gorilla Mask|

How to Use Taylor Swift Lyrics as Pick-Up Lines |Brobible|

Rabbi Writes Patronizing Letter To Sarah Silverman, Has His Ass Handed To Him By Her Dad |HuffPost Comedy|

After Tina Fey and Amy Poehler Host the Golden Globes Together, Here Are Five Projects They Should Remake |Pajiba|

Mitt Romney Won’t Release His Spotify Playlist |College Humor|

Dear runners, stop that barefoot nonsense and put some shoes on. And guys: wear a shirt for god’s sake. Sincerely, Science |Fark|

29 People Caught Reading “Fifty Shades Of Grey” In Public |Buzzfeed|

Why Hollywood Needs to Ease Up on the “Grittiness” Throttle |Unreality|

Man Tries to “Walk” Across Irish Sea in a Hamster Wheel, Fails |Technabob|

VIDEO BELOW: I can haz fizziks lesson? |via|

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[Inset picture via Julia Segal.]