Capcom’s ‘Strider’ Series Strides Back To Current And Next-Gen Systems In Early 2014

Hey, remember the Strider games? You’re forgiven if you don’t, since the last entry in the series about futuristic space ninja Strider Hiryu came out 15-years-ago, but trust me — they were pretty damn good!

Well, now the series is back! Last evening at Comic-Con, Capcom unveiled an all-new 2.5D Strider game simply titled, well, Strider. The game will be hitting the Xbox 360, PS3 and PC as well as the Xbox One and PS4 in early 2014. Hit the jump for trailer and a nice seven-minute chunk of gameplay footage…

Strider is being developed by Double Helix, the company that’s also behind the not-terribly-well-received new version of Killer Instinct. Hopefully for the sanity of those working at Double Helix, Strider won’t be quite as controversial.

via DSOGaming & Nizulo