Nicki Minaj Finally Made A Snapchat And Her Fans Went So Crazy It Nearly Destroyed Her Phone

Nicki Minaj has just about conquered social media: her feeds on Twitter and Instagram are as popular and active as any celebrity in the world and her fans are as vocal and aggressive with their online defense of her as any fan base in existence. Every time she tweets or posts a photo it’s a viral moment, and even the slightest bit of a negative comment sent her way will have fans attacking you from all angles defending their queen. Until today, it seemed Nicki was fine with conquering those two avenues of the Internet streets but that all changed when Nicki decided to take the dive and join the ever-popular Snapchat.

Surely, Nicki couldn’t have foreseen what would happen to her phone as soon as she let word out that she’d created a Snap account, otherwise she probably would have never went through with the decision. She sent word to her nearly 82 million Instagram followers and 21 million Twitter followers and in an instant her phone went haywire as fans began calling her and sending her messages non-stop.

“Omgggggggg why y’all doin this to me?” Nicki captioned a new Instagram post where she showed just how insane the notifications on her Snapchat were. In the video she pleads with her fans to stop calling because she can’t even use the phone to get to her Snapchat settings because all of the notifications. She stops at one point to message one lucky fan back, then read another series of messages from a fan in London demanding that Nicki pay her tuition. “Candice can’t even help me,” she said on Instagram before adding “They gotta call Snapchat now.”

As of now she’s still learning the ropes, as her first Snap was a quick video of the ocean, and when she tried to add another it was an epic fail.

Maybe someday she’ll be able to operate Snap effectively but Nicki’s first day on the app has been a hilarious ride so far.