Historic News Alert: Today “Orange Is The New Black” star Laverne Cox (a.k.a. the irrepressible Sophia Burset) became the first transgender performer to be nominated for an Emmy. EVER. This is important, people. If you're not even the slightest bit moved and inspired by her below statement on the matter (via Time magazine), seek help immediately.
“For me personally, I am an individual who consumes mainstream culture. I watch a lot of television. I go to mainstream films. And I want to see myself. I want to turn on the television and see people who look like me who have similar experiences that I have. And I think that trans people want and deserve that; everybody wants and deserves that. We should have representations that humanize our experiences and tell the diversity and the complexity of our experiences…I just think that in terms of forming a more perfect union and having to live up to those ideals, representation and having everyone”s story told in our media is an important part of that.”
Sigh, I love this. So, so inspiring and wise. In fact, can we please take a moment to celebrate her? Just for a minute? I know you're busy, but history like this doesn't happen every day. Yes? Good. Now pop a cork and come party with these 18 inspiring Laverne Cox GIFs, in honor of the “OITNB” star's momentous day.