(CBR) Since the announcement of a new ongoing “Harley Quinn” series written by Jimmy Palmiotti and Amanda Conner, Harley fans have been anxious to discover the identity of the book’s interior artist. DC Comics has announced that Chad Hardin will take on interiors for the series, posting a set of Hardin’s face studies for the character with Amanda Conner’s cover for “Harley Quinn” #1 alongside the announcement.
“She is the hero in her own story,” Palmiotti told CBR at the announcement of the book. “What happens, who gets killed, what house gets burned down and so on, well, thats just part of her story. She looks at the world differently and we will be building on that and looking even closer on her past and what makes her tick. There are so many layers to this fantastic character that we cannot wait to explore.”
While DC may have found an ongoing artist for the series, the publisher put out a cattle call earlier this week for an artist to draw one page of “Harley Quinn” #0, with a winner to be chosen by co-publishers Dan DiDio and Jim Lee.
“Harley Quinn” #1 hits stores this December.