Avengers: Endgame re-release news came as a surprise a few weeks ago, although it makes plenty of sense to unveil new footage with the end goal of breaking the all-time box-office record set by James Cameron’s Avatar after capsizing Titanic. Don’t worry about James Cameron! He’s got those three Avatar sequels coming, including an alleged Seed Bearer installment, at some point. Cameron is good, all while Avengers are assembling to make their victory happen. Speaking of winners, Mark Ruffalo is winning the “best troll” award, hands down. He’s declaring “[r]eason 1 of 3000 to see #AvengersEndgame again this weekend” with a shot at Chris Hemsworth.
Yep, he pulled out the Lebowski-Fat Thor, uh, Bro Thor card. However, one of the replies to Ruffalo’s tweet suggested that Hulk passing tacos to Ant-Man was an even better reason, and it’s a close contest.
Indeed, Ruffalo’s winning the promotion contest for sure with a more vigorous rally than Chris Evans, who tweeted a few days ago to acknowledge the re-release with a finger emoji.
Elsewhere, Scarlett Johansson doesn’t tweet, and Jeremy Renner’s been using the platform to … promote his singing career? The less said about that the better, but Robert Downey Jr.’s taking a cool approach by posting fan art to urge folks to help Marvel Studios and Disney “make history” and “suit up, show up, records gonna blow up !!!”
Wanna make history? The #GAME has yet to #END! Avengers rerelease… #AvengersEndgame #TeamStark special thanx @ogpepper on IG pic.twitter.com/GmSsVgN9Us
— Robert Downey Jr (@RobertDowneyJr) June 27, 2019
suit up, show up, records gonna blow up !!! #EndGameRerelease today… pic.twitter.com/2VrulGAfgr
— Robert Downey Jr (@RobertDowneyJr) June 28, 2019