Ever since his pre-Crossbones debut as Brock Rumlow in Captain America: The Winter Soldier, the Internet has fallen in love with actor Frank Grillo. Whether it was the intense elevator fight between him and Chris Evans (Steve Rogers/Captain America), or his early geek-outs for Captain America: Civil War back in November, the man knows his audience well.
Perhaps, that’s why we’ve all clicked on the paparazzi photos and fan videos of Grillo in action as Crossbones on the Civil War set in Atlanta, where filming is currently under way. It’s also why we were initially surprised by Grillo’s announcement that he had wrapped filming. The actor said as much in an Instagram post on Thursday:
I’m out.Atlanta. I came I fought I conquered #CROSSBONES #Badass #CAP3 #Wrapped
Of course, Grillo appeared in costume as the villain Crossbones for much of the public shoot in Atlanta. There’s no way to tell what else he filmed behind closed studio doors in the area. Plus, there’s the itty-bitty fact that Civil War‘s shoot isn’t happening exclusively in Atlanta. As Grillo’s co-star Anthony Mackie let slip back in January, the third Captain America film is filming all over the world.
So is Grillo done with the Atlanta shoot? According to his Instagram post, that’s an affirmative. But is Crossbones done with the entire film? Considering the character’s spoilery stake in the Civil War comics run at Marvel, it’s doubtful.
(Via Instagram)