Batman V Superman: Dawn of Justice is in theaters today, and — although there have been some positive fan reactions — the critics haven’t been overwhelmingly enthusiastic about this long-ass dawn. The critics peg it a 31% on Rotten Tomatoes as of this writing, while audiences rate it 74% positively. Then again, as our own Vince Mancini put it, “Critics are just fans who see the movie a little early and might tell you it sucks afterward.”
The mixed reviews have led to the cast having to answer some unfortunately pointed questions in interviews this week, which leads to some awkward moments. We already wrote about this interview with Yahoo! in which the cast argues they made the movie for the fans, not the critics. Now YouTuber Sabconth has given that interview a much needed “Hello darkness, my old friend” makeover to add to our other favorite sarcastic Batman V Superman mashups.
This is so perfect we can’t believe we haven’t seen it done before. The Sad Batman meme was already well established, and we know Batman is all about the darkness and no parents, so this fan edit of the awkward Yahoo! interview was truly destiny.
Batman, why so serious? Somebody get this guy some puppies, STAT.
(Via BioTV)