Stoya provides crucial insight into porn lady pubic hair decision-making process

One of the many great things about the internet is that it provides for us a window into the lives of some of the world’s most fascinating creatures, people who many of us come to “know” in the most intimate way you can know another human being, without really knowing them. I’m talking, of course, about porn stars.

Yes, snicker if you must, but the web has provided a forum outside of the traditional channels — glossed up nudie mags sold in icky places that few of us ever want to enter, must less be seen at — to gain insight into the thoughts and feelings of people who make their livings having sex on camera. In such, the internet has been a paradox of sorts to the porn business and the people who collect their paychecks from it — on the one hand it’s been bad for business financially, but on the other hand the web has gone far in tearing down the stereotype that everyone in the business is sexually deviant junkie whose father raped them repeatedly throughout childhood.

In other words, the web has humanized porn performers in profound ways. Wanna know what your favorite porn star thinks of the uprisings in the Middle East? Wanna know what he or she thinks of Donald Trump as a presidential candidate? I can all but guarantee you can probably find out, thanks to Twitter, Tumblr, Facebook, blogs, etc.

Taking this same thought to another level, the web — specifically Twitter and Tumblr in my mind — provides great insight into, well, who smart and who’s not. Whether it be friends, co-workers, TV stars and, yes, porn stars, the web allows you to see into someone’s mind to see what’s actually in there, as opposed to what they want you think is in there, and if what is in there is of high quality or not. As silly as it may seem, the ability to construct cogent, witty thoughts in 140 characters or less is, to me, a great sign as to whether or not someone has a respectable intellect, or if they’re a run-of-the-mill jackass.

With all of that said, one of the porn performers I’ve developed an affinity for — specifically because of the glimpses into her mind she provides on the web — is the milky-skinned vixen, Stoya. Homegirl writes well, and she can be quite funny.

Witness…here she is on her Tumblr today, waxing poetic about the dilemmas lady porn performers face when it comes to their pubic hair — specifically the decision to undergo laser hair removal treatments after a waxing took off too much of her signature black bush.

Personally, I like to have options with my bush. I like to be able to be completely bald or have a lush patch of fur in the front. I am, however, completely certain that I want the hair on my outer labia (or as my former manager Adella used to call it “the undercarriage”) gone. See, it gets caught in my lacy underpants sometimes and hurts when it gets pulled out.

When I tweeted yesterday about the fact that I was having some of my vulva hair semi-permanently removed, some of my followers had a small “Stoya is going to have a perma-bald pudenda forever” party. I can see why some of you may have assumed that, but you are incorrect.

Maybe I’m just a bit snappier or more short-tempered this week than usual, but I reacted very negatively to what I perceived as a lack of appreciation for pussies in their natural state.

I just want everyone in the world to know that twats are incredibly varied and all wonderful, and I have intensely negative emotional reactions when I see anything that seems like vulva judgment.

Pubic hair comes in different colors, different textures, and different patterns of distribution. Vaginal canals (the part that can be fun to stick things in) have different textures. Labia come in different colors and sizes. If a woman wants to keep all of her pubic hair and nurture how wild it is or get rid of it completely, that is her choice. Whether a woman has light pink inner labia or dark purple inner labia, labia minora that reach outside of the majora and wave around like a flag, labia minora that are all tucked up inside in a way that looks kind of like a coin slot or absolutely anything in between, her pussy (in my opinion) is inherently beautiful.

You see…wasn’t that fascinating? Or maybe I just need to seek therapy or something.