Al Franken’s promoting his newest book, Giant of the Senate, which he’s peppered with little nuggets about his colleagues. However, the book does more than drop tiny morsels about Ted Cruz, who apparently receives a whole chapter devoted to the Texas senator’s “exceptionally smarmy” ways. A week or so ago, Franken revealed a brutal joke that actually managed to silence Ted, who he says had it coming due to his tendency to argue with everyone and show off his smarty-pants vibe whenever possible. Now, Franken reveals a humiliating Cruz story involving the Senate’s Secret Santas.
Yes, the dreaded office ritual has bitten Cruz, who apparently was not aware. Franken — who recently told David Letterman, “Ted is a toxic co-worker. He’s the guy who microwaves fish for lunch” — appeared in a Wednesday town hall conversation with The Hill Editor-in-Chief Bob Cusack (and Sirius XM’s Julie Mason). The Minnesota senator claimed that he’s seen multiple lawmakers recoil when they plucked Cruz’s name out of the Santa hat.
“I’ve had people pick out Cruz’s name and then drop it on the floor,” Franken chuckled “I’ve actually had that happen.”
Brutal. Yet if Cruz treats his Senate colleagues like he treated his fellow Supreme Court clerks (by elbowing them “wildly” during breaks), then he does sound toxic. But Franken did not reveal whether any GOP senators had refused the dreaded Santa-Cruz assignment. It’s possible, right?
The Cruz hasn’t publicly responded to this Secret Santa humiliation — boy, will Christmas be different this year! — but he is aware that Franken’s book bashes the heck out of him and has called Franken “obnoxious and insulting.” And in response to Trump’s “covfefe” tweet to himself, Cruz retweeted and added, “Covfefe? Hard to say, but I hear Al Franken’s new book is full of it ;)”
Covfefe? Hard to say, but I hear Al Franken's new book is full of it ;) https://t.co/o6BSSUyKE4
— Ted Cruz (@tedcruz) May 31, 2017
(Via The Hill)