Saturday marks the 100th day of Donald Trump’s presidency. After laying out an ambitious plan for the start of his term shortly after the election, Trump has recently gone about lowering expectations for the period and been ridiculed for it. Now, Senate Democrats are joining the pile-on with a revised version of a recent White House press released touting the administration’s accomplishments sent with the subject “White House release on President Trump’s First 100 Days Had Some Errors In It. We Fixed Them.”
Inbox from Senate Dems: “White House release on President Trump’s First 100 Days Had Some Errors In It. We Fixed Them.”
(Troll level: high) pic.twitter.com/8jSDLsnIba
— Bradd Jaffy (@BraddJaffy) April 25, 2017
The revised release begins without pulling any punches, saying “President Donald J. Trump has done more to break promises and enrich his allies in his first 100 days than any other President in history.” The added text goes on to cite a recent NBC News poll where a plurality of Americans gave the President poor marks and said he is off to a bad start and a USA Today report that aides, fundraisers, and others with ties to Trump and Vice President Pence have been raking it in with new lobbying fees.
While the initial release hyped the number of executive orders signed by Trump, the Democrats’ version offers context to the orders such as eliminating consumer protections and reducing women’s health care options as well as how Trump promised to not govern through executive orders. Whoops.
The full email is catty as heck and will hopefully inspire the Tweeter-in-Chief to go on one of his comforting rants.
(Via Bradd Jaffy)