Hulk Hogan Has Resorted To Flyering Outside Of WWE Live Events

We don’t want to kick a brother when he’s down, dude, but wrestling legend Hulk Hogan’s career has hit the skids since the sex tape trial and racist audio leaks that got him fired from WWE and scrubbed from their history. His breastaurant closed its doors, his apology tour wasn’t well-received and the defense of his respectfulness and good nature has gotten absurd.

It’s gotten so bad for Hulk that the man who main-evented the first WrestleMania and helped open the 30th is flyering outside of WWE live events during their European tour. He’s not personally out there papering in a bandana and feather boa, but he’s got folks outside of WWE’s show in Brighton, England, handing out flyers for his upcoming one-man show in Sheffield.

Here’s a report, featuring the “child savant understands Hulk Hogan” moment you were hoping it’d have:

I hope the flyers were just a picture of the Hulkster doing Arrested Development prayer hands with “HE’S NOT RACIST ANYMORE, WE SWEAR, COME LISTEN TO HIM TALK ABOUT HOW HE LOVES ALL HULKAMANIACS EQUALLY” underneath it in bold impact font. On second thought, let’s keep him away from the Impact.

We wish Hulk the best in his future Kinko’s endeavors.

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