TNA Is Planning On Recording An Entire Episode Of Impact At The Broken Hardys’ Compound

One of the most unexpected, improbable and borderline inexplicable pro wrestling stories in 2016 has been the meteoric rise of Broken Matt Hardy, and by extension, his weirdo family that includes Jeff Hardy, Reby Sky and Maxel (not to mention Señor Benjamin and Vanguard-1). The group has been responsible for bringing avant garde brilliance to TNA with a trilogy of batsh*t events: The Final Deletion, Delete or Decay, and The Great War. Now they’re upping the ante by doing a full two hours of this lunacy.

TNA announced at this week’s tapings that they would not be taping any more television at the Impact Zone in Orlando through the end of the year, but Matt Hardy addressed the crowd and announced that the Dec. 15 episode of Impact Wrestling would be filmed entirely at his home in North Carolina — the same site of The Final Deletion and Delete or Decay. This special episode of Impact Wrestling even has its own name:

The show will feature the Hardys defending their tag team titles against Decay and Andrew Everett and Trevor Lee in a triple threat match. Also, Rosemary will be in a singles match and King Maxxell will make his debut(!!!!!!). Everyone set your calendars. Dec. 15 just became TNA day.