Backstage Details Have Emerged About The FS1 WWE Studio Show

We’ve been waiting for details about the WWE studio show Fox Sports 1 is planning to launch this fall ever since Triple H first mentioned it back in April. Aside from a surprising report that CM Punk might be looking for a position on the show we haven’t really heard much beyond the rumor that the best possible person to host it, Renee Young, will indeed be hosting it. Now that we’re getting closer to launch, more details are emerging from various sources.

WrestleVotes recently reported that the show will air live from Los Angeles on Tuesday nights and be hosted by Renee Young and Booker T. PWInsider confirmed that, while emphasized that Renee will be the lead host. They also reported that Cathy Kelley will be working on the show, but will also continue as an interviewer on NXT. PWInsider says that Fox has been auditioning other on-air talent, including WWE Hall Of Famers, to decide who else might be a good fit for the show. The series is expected to begin in October, soon after the Smackdown premiere.

Fox Sports has confirmed that the show will air weekly on Tuesdays, but no other details, including the show’s title (I can’t be the only one hoping for Tuesday Night Titans), have been officially announced so far.