Impact Wrestling Now Has Its Own Signature Pizza And Mystery Beverage

Getty/Impact Wrestling

You just never know what the news is going to be from Impact Wrestling. It could be another name change, or the launch of a streaming network, the departure of one authority figure or the return of another. Sometimes the news is reflective of chaos within the company, and other times it’s just kind of weird. Which brings us to today, and the announcement of Impact Pizza.

This Friday, October 20, Impact Wrestling and Crust and Crate Fast Fired Pizza Pub will hold a joint press conference at the latter’s location in Ottawa, Ontario, to announce the details of a partnership to play out over the next month. Bobby Lashley will be in attendance, as well as Impact World Champion Eli Drake, but the real star will be the Impact Pizza.

We don’t yet know what topping will be on the Impact Pizza. Hopefully there will be plenty of rosemary, for maximum flavor. Some spuds are a possibility, since potatoes are secretly the rock star of pizza toppings. Some actual moose would be on theme, but that seems unlikely even in Canada. Of course it a might be a complete surprise what toppings show up in the Impact Zone. Maybe some Georgia Gold Chicken, newly released from a contract with the competitors.

Whatever’s on it, Drake and Lashley will both eat slices of the inaugural Impact Pizza, washed down with what the press release calls “the Impact official signature beverage,” which is even more mysterious than the pizza. Soda? Beer? Country Time Lemonade? All will be revealed (we hope) on Friday.

The whole thing is about building excitement in Ottawa, where IMPACT Wrestling will hold six back-to-back nights of events, kicking off on November 5 with their pay-per-view event Bound For Glory.

Bound For Glory is being held at the Aberdeen Pavilion in Ottawa, where Impact will then hold events every night until Friday, which will also be taped for their weekly TV show. Crust and Crate will host an official post-show party every night from November 5-10, with unnamed members of the IMPACT roster appearing live each night.

Crust and Crate Fast Fired Pizza Pub only has two locations, both in Ottawa, so if you’re far away and were hoping for some total nonstop pizza action, you may sadly be out of luck. Although Twitter user @AManCalledSTEVE came up with a pretty good design in case they do decide to mass produce: