Last year, John Cena and Cricket Wireless teamed up to prank unsuspecting fans, playing on Cena’s cult status as a living meme. This year, Cricket surprised him with an appearance from fans whose lives he’s touched, and oh man, you’re gonna want an entire box of tissues for this one.
The heart of the clip is in the story of a young boy named Tyler Scheer, whose mother was diagnosed with breast cancer. But y’see, Tyler had gotten a John Cena wristband from Cena at a WWE Live event. He gave it to his mom to help her through it, reminding her that Cena says you should “never give up.” That’s when Tyler and his mom surprise Cena, getting to thank him to his face, and showing him the wrist band that helped save her life.
Then, one by one, more people whose lives Cena has made better show up to thank him. I never thought I’d be sitting in an airport sobbing at a Cricket Wireless commercial, but here we are. And it’s always good to remember the broader reach of pro wrestling, and how stuff that seems corny to us sometimes can really make a difference, and literally save lives.