Lars Sullivan Is Injured, And It Might Be Serious


Lars Sullivan has had a pretty rough time since getting called up from NXT, even if some of it was probably deserved. First his Main Roster debut was delayed by months, reportedly due to anxiety. Then people started paying attention to the really offensive and intolerant things he said on the internet prior to signing with NXT, for which WWE eventually fined him a substantial amount of money. Then he got stuck in a seemingly endless feud with Lucha House Party, which would have been the kind of tiring mess that happens too much in WWE even if it wasn’t a really weird look because of his previous online comments about Mexican people. Now it looks like he’s injured, and nobody’s sure yet how serious it is.

According to the Wrestling Observer, a scheduled match between Lars Sullivan and Matt Hardy had to be pulled from Smackdown this week, because Sullivan’s knee is injured. The initial report was that it it was a minor injury, but the Observer came back later and added that it actually seems more serious than they first thought. Lars is reportedly undergoing an MRI to determine the extent of the injury, after which more details may emerge. WON notes that he may not be back for TV next week.