Mickie James Appears To Be Exploring New Roles Within WWE

Veteran wrestler and WWE Superstar Mickie James has been out of action since she injured her knee early this summer, which required surgery in July. Although that surgery was by all accounts a complete success, she still probably won’t be cleared to return to the ring for a while yet. Nevertheless, she was seen at this week’s WWE Main Event taping in San Francisco, apparently trying out an entirely new role.

As fans in the crowd noticed, Mickie was a part of the Main Event commentary team last night, sitting at the announce desk alongside Vic Joseph and Dio Maddin:


We have no way of knowing if this is will become a regular gig for her, but WWE does seem committed to having women on commentary these days, and with Renee Young likely leaving Raw to host her on show on FS1, Mickie James could be a good addition going forward. Plus, it’s a role she can play while her knee heals, and possibly even after that. She has been wrestling for twenty years after all, and may be looking to start a new phase of her career.

According to PWInsider, there have also been discussions within WWE about the idea of Mickie transitioning into a producer role, which could also work well for her going forward. Some combination of that and a commentary role are also possible. Whatever Mickie decides to do, it will be nice to see her around WWE again, even if she’s not in the ring (although if she does get back in the ring when she’s healed up, that would be cool too).