Watch Ric Flair And Charlotte Throw Out The First Pitch At A Chicago Cubs Game

Booker T, The Miz, and CM Punk are among the wrestlers who have had the honor of throwing out the first pitch at an MLB game in recent years, and now you can add Ric Flair and Charlotte to that prestigious list.

Wearing #16 Cubs uniforms (because, of course) Charlotte and her pops were asked to throw out the first pitch at Wrigley Field for the first place Cubbies on Sunday before Payback. Despite her nerves and some pretty awful form, the WWE Women’s Champion was able to get her pitch over the plate so we’ll call it a win.

In addition, the Flairs got the chance to hang out with Cubs manager Joe Maddon, who’s zany personality would make for a great WWE manager should he ever want to change careers.

Unfortunately, we did not get to hear Ric Flair attempt to sing “Take Me Out to the Ballgame” (can’t be worse than Warren G at least) but the two-time WWE Hall of Famer did woo and strut his way to the mound with his daughter.

Charlotte’s first pitch was decent, but it is still nowhere near the greatest wrestler first pitch of all time. That title will forever and always belong to Goldberg, who once speared a Miami Marlins pitcher.