WWE’s Xavier Woods Will Host The Crunchyroll Anime Awards

WWE‘s Xavier Woods is currently out of action with an Achilles tear, and his entertainment career has continued while the wrestling part of it is on hold. He and the rest of The New Day got a podcast and signed new WWE contracts, and now Woods has been announced as the host of this year’s Crunchyroll Anime Awards.

With his history running the UpUpDownDown YouTube channel and taking part in esports events, Woods is more known as a video game nerd than an anime nerd. But he’s very openly an anime nerd too: The New Day showed up to WrestleMania dressed as Dragon Ball Z character and Woods has been open about his fandom on social media, professing his love of detective anime, Kuruko’s Basketball, and above all else, Yu Yu Hakusho.

The fourth annual Crunchyroll Anime Awards ceremony will stream live on, well, anime and manga distribution website Crunchyroll, on February 15. The awards will be decided by fan vote between January 10-17. Categories include Anime of the Year, Best Animation, Best Fight Scene, and awards for characters, voice acting performances, and opening and ending sequences. If he wasn’t hosting, this seems like the type of thing Woods would tweet at least one opinion about, and his combination of sincere fandom and mic skills will probably make him a great host.