Heidi Klum’s initial response to Donald Trump calling her “no longer a 10” was laughter. She recorded a funny video, put it on Twitter, and used the hashtags “#TrumpHasSpoken,” “#sadly,” and “#NoLongerA10 #IHadAGoodRun.” She is and will always be a stunner, while he looks like a sunburned pineapple. But Klum was also upset with his comments, something she spoke about on Access Hollywood, where they always treat women with the respect they deserve.
“I was just making light of the situation because it was kind of funny I thought, and I just thought, make it even more funny. But really, the whole entire situation about women is not really funny, you know to put a number on a woman, especially women. We juggle so many things and I feel that, you know, women who support their families, who have children, who make their lunches, drive them all over the place, work at the same time, I mean, we do so many things, so in my book, every woman is a 10,” Heidi said. (Via)
Trump’s been obsessed with Klum for awhile now. In 2005, the presidential candidate told Howard Stern, “I looked at her the other day, and it’s off. There’s no question.” This was after she gave birth. No wonder she dressed like him for Halloween. Stupid Trump, you go squish now.
(Via Access Hollywood)