Blake Kelly x DJ Tay James – Songs About Girls Mixtape

Much to the publicity of higher-profile releases, Blake Kelly quietly dropped his newest offering on the day most commonly associated with love, lovers, romantic chocolate, rose petals and things of the sort. B-Kelz’s Songs About Girls clocks in at nine tracks – much like his previous tape 9 For The Universe – providing for an extremely easy listen.

The types of women who’ll likely enjoy this? The ones who occasionally wear J’s, post pictures on Instagram with two-to-four word captions and smoke weed. You know her. I know her. We all know her. Let this spin in the background this weekend when taking in the three point contest, dunk contest and/or the actual All-Star game. She’ll enjoy the music, like “Your Song,” “Fly Away” and “Blowing My High.” You’ll enjoy the basketball. A happy home is a peaceful home.

DownloadBlake Kelly x DJ Tay James – Songs About Girls Mixtape