Clear Eyes, Full Parks, Can’t Lose!: Ron Swanson Meets Coach Taylor In The Mashup The World Needed

I was going to do another Friday Morning Media recap today, but without a new Parks & Rec last night it seemed kind of pointless. I’d pretty much just be reposting Archer GIFs. I’m certain NBC won’t air the new Community episodes they’re holding hostage any time before June. That would just make my Friday mornings too easy.

But don’t fret if you’re feeling Parks withdrawal today. I’ve got the next best thing: the latest and greatest TV mashup Tumblr. Clear Eyes, Full Parks, Can’t Lose! not only has my favorite name of any TV mashup yet, it also benefits from a strong correlation between the subjects as Ron Swanson and Coach Eric Taylor are arguably the two manliest men on television this century, and because Parks + FNL go together like whipped cream and waffles.

Jason Street would never eat calzones.

Clear Eyes, Full Parks, Can’t Lose! via Buzzfeed