Trump’s Proposal To Name The Tax Reform Bill The ‘Cut Cut Cut Act’ Is Predictably Going Over Well Online

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Between his phone call-less tweets about the New York City terror attack and his comments about sending the suspect to Guantanamo Bay, President Trump’s Wednesday is off to a great start. With the news of his reported attempts to brand the forthcoming House Republicans’ tax reform bill as the “Cut Cut Cut Act,” however, it seems the president’s greatest week ever is about to become even greater. For House Speaker Paul Ryan and House Ways and Means Committee Chairman Kevin Brady aren’t the only two people who think Cut Cut Cut Act is an awful name.

In a nutshell, ABC News reports Ryan thought the president would be good at gifting the long-promised bill with a catchy name “because of his penchant towards branding.” Judging by Ryan, Brady and the House Ways and Means Committee’s apparent efforts to fight Trump’s creation tooth and nail, however, it seems that was a bad idea. And seeing how it is a bad idea, leave it to Twitter’s legions of journalists, politicos and trolls to let the House Republicans know just how bad it really is. After all, considering the obvious “cut-spelled-with-k” jokes, the news offered everyone plenty of new material to roast all relevant parties.

Even the Republican and Democratic parties at large weren’t immune to Twitter’s humorous scorn, especially considering the latter’s recent attempt to connect to Stranger Things viewers.

That’s not to say they everyone was simply poking fun at the Cut Cut Cut Act’s name. Some were even willing to offer up their own, equally amusing-yet-appalling suggestions.

It’s almost as if Trump was a fan of How I Met Your Mother.