A Deer Was An Unexpected Walk-On For These California Surfing Tryouts

If memory serves, deer do not surf. If they do, this fact was carelessly left out of both versions of Point Break and we feel retroactively cheated for its absence. The video from CBS Los Angeles you see nestled ever so gently onto the top of the page features the two worlds colliding in California. Well, maybe not colliding. More like curiously intertwining.

KTLA reports that a surf team on an Orange County beach had to make some adjustments on the fly when the unexpected visitor crashed the event. (It’s certainly better than finding a shark or an imported wild boar, mind you.) It looks like one of the surfers was at one point was heading in the direction of the deer, but bailed out before there was any unintentional surfer-on-deer violence.

Sheri Crummer, a judge at the tryout, shared with the Orange County Register what it was like to take in that unlikely sight as it unfolded.

“We have no idea where he came from,” Crummer said. “That was the craziest thing I’ve ever seen.”

The deer was hopping over the rocks and then took off out to sea.

“He kept going farther and farther; my heart just sank because he was really upset about something,” she said.

The surf team coach Tim Samson grabbed his longboard and paddled out about a 1/4 of a mile, and basically herded the deer back to shore.

“Everyone was blown away; no one has ever seen anything like this; this is insane,” she said. “Everyone was freaking out on the beach.”

As far as we can tell, the deer was not selected to the team. Too bad. That walk-on had moxie. Just check the video for yourself.

(Via CBS, Orange County Register & KTLA)