Double Amy Pond, all the way, what does it mean? It means BBC released a teaser for the two Doctor Who specials which will air during the telethon for Comic Relief this Friday, called “Red Nose Day”, which is how your face looks after years of alcohol abuse. Feckin’ English always finding news ways of covertly insulting the Irish.
After the jump is that teaser along with three deleted scenes from the DVD box set, including a scene where Amy spots a pattern in the Doctor’s choice of companions. We also get an explanation for why the TARDIS looks like a Police telephone box from 1963: “Every time the TARDIS materializes in a new location, within the first nanosecond of landing it analyzes the its surroundings, calculates a 12-dimensional data map of everything within a thousand mile radius and determines which outer shell would blend in best with the environment. And then it disguises itself as a Police telephone box from 1963.”
“From The Eleventh Hour, why the TARDIS looks like a Police Box” — BleedingCool
“From Flesh And Stone, Amy looking at the Doctor’s past companions.” — BleedingCool
“And from A Hungry Earth, how the timestream may affect future Amy and future Rory” — BleedingCool