Don Jr’s Glassy Eyed, Slurred Speech Rant About Hunter Biden From Inside A Motel Room Has Inspired Lots Of ‘Motel 6’ Jokes

Donald Trump Jr. recently appeared on Fox News in such an amped-up state that people speculated that he needed an intervention. He also denied being blitzed out of his mind during a suspicious energetic RNC speech, and yeah, it sure looks like Don Jr. is doing nothing to discourage the same kind of talk by posting a late-Sunday-night video, in which he ranted about Hunter Biden while sitting in an undisclosed indication. He appears to be in a motel room, and quite possibly even a Motel 6 room.

There’s no telling why Don Jr. posted this clip to social media, but it’s gone now, so he must have had second thoughts, given that he’s slurring his words and doesn’t appear to be all-there while filming. Of course, the video has been preserved for posterity by the Internet with both a #Motel6 hashtag and a reference toward the David Hasselhoff burger-eating debacle of 2007.

“Every major media outlet spent weeks and months trying to pretend that the Biden’s weren’t tied to China, that… there was nothing shady at all about Hunter getting a billion dollar investment from the Chinese government,” Don Jr. ranted in the video. “I mean, this isn’t like he’s dealing with a Chinese businessman that happens to be an American, or an expat or something like that, but from the actual Chinese government. It was as though it was a conspiracy theory, it was as though it was a hoax and now we see that I guess the U.S. marshals and people in Delaware are investigating Hunter Biden for tax fraud, and I imagine it’s amongst other things.”

In case you needed a visual reminder of the David Hasselhoff incident, here you go.

The Motel 6 jokes rolled in with even more inferences on what’s up.