While the rest of the country sorted through celebrity crypto commercials and a game of football to enjoy the Super Bowl Halftime Show, Donald Trump Jr. sat in his office, ranting about everything from Bob Woodward to Hillary Clinton and Watergate before concluding that his dad is right … about everything.
Don Jr. streamed his unhinged tirade during the big game last night, attacking a host of people he views as responsible for the latest “smear campaign” against his father. Recently, Trump has been in the news thanks to an investigation into alleged activity between a server linked to the Trump Organization and two servers belonging to a Russian bank known as Alfa Bank. The communication between the servers was first noticed by computer data scientists in 2016 and used by Hillary Clinton’s campaign as a tactic to cast doubt on Trump’s relationship with Russia. Last year, Trump-appointed special counsel John Durham indicted a cybersecurity lawyer who passed information about the Trump-Alfa Bank connection to the FBI but failed to disclose his working relationship with the Clinton campaign.
Despite prominent computer scientists continuing to back their findings — that Trump’s server had suspicious communication with the Russian bank’s servers over the course of his campaign and presidency — Don Jr. and the rest of Trump’s supporters are pointing to the indictment as proof that Clinton and other Democrats were spying on Trump for years. And he chose to make this argument during the Super Bowl for some reason.
Junior decided to put on his own chemically-enhanced halftime show last night, going on a deranged rant about Bob Woodward, Hillary, and Watergate. He finally concludes that his dad is always right about everything. pic.twitter.com/WCs18VsSbt
— Ron Filipkowski (@RonFilipkowski) February 14, 2022
In the video above, Don Jr. can be seen skewering Clinton and name-checking journalist Bob Woodward — who he says has been “milking” his Watergate expose for 40 years — before claiming that the server scandal has been created by Dems to make his dad look bad.
“This is worse than Watergate,” a squinty-eyed Trump yells at the camera. “Given that spying continued into my father’s presidency, this is literally worse than Watergate. Trump was right. Trump was right about everything guys.”
Now it’s not clear whether Don Jr. is distracted in the video or just looking down to make sure he doesn’t miss the “compare something to Watergate” cue on his notecards but either way, you can tell this dude really believes his delusions because of all the finger bunnies he breaks out in the minute-long clip.