After the antics overtake their music, I usually stop paying much attention to artists. Case in point: The Game and most of what he does when he’s not readying a project. Last I heard, his name was in the mix for one of those Love & Rap Songs reality shows, usually a clear indicator that a musician’s days making good music are long behind them. Oh, that was until yesterday when video footage emerged of him wearing a cape while defending the honor of Khloe Kardashian. Game’s more TMZ fodder than TSS.
That’s until he actually focuses and decides to put out a project. Unlike so many others who occupy the “washed up” category, Jayceon can go into Iverson mode and be game-ready in the drop of a beat. Otherwise, I wouldn’t suggest streaming (or even downloading) his newest joint, Operation Kill Everything.
Download — The Game – Operation Kill Everything Mixtape