Every Face Punch In 'Road House' Is Everything You Could Ever Ask For In A Supercut

When I see Vince or the guys at Warming Glow have already gotten to the latest and greatest supercut I usually try to avoid repetition. Unless, of course, the video in question has the potential to be the supercut that defines a generation, and therefore transcends traditional network boundaries.

I am of course suggesting Every Face Punch in Road House is this supercut, as it has everything you could possibly ask for from a compilation video. Late 80’s nostalgia. Perfectly edited to under one minute. As the title suggests, nothing put face punches. Men, women, tall guys, fat guys, rich guys, poor guys. Also: gratuitous Road House Sam Elliot, which is actually remarkably different from all other versions of Sam Elliot.

So yeah, I’d be doing UPROXX.com a disservice if it wasn’t here. For posterity’s sake. Oh, and good morning.

Red Letter Media