Just like snowflakes, no two women carry a pregnancy alike. Too many variables — including genetics, environment and diet — can switch up the process for each person. And every lady knows if she gets pregnant a second time, this will likely bring a very different experience than her first rodeo. Hannah Polites, a fitness blogger (and midwife), has surprised her Instagram followers with a pregnancy that seems to defy all previous assumptions.
According to the above photo caption, she’s six months pregnant, which isn’t as shocking as the photos you’ll see later. First, here are a few pictures of Polites after she’s gestated for about 4.5 months. No one would have ever been able to tell she was pregnant without the captions (or baby shoes).
She may not look pregnant in these photos so far, but Polites says she’s experienced a certain side effect from pregnancy. Having to go up a few bra sizes isn’t as fun as it sounds, but Polites seems okay with the news.
This particular photo surprises most of Polites’ Instagram commenters. She’s reportedly six months pregnant, but looks like had a huge Taco Bell meal and maybe skipped some days at the gym.
The rest of these photos are just insane. Polites will likely keep her followers up to date as her pregnancy continues to develop. For now, she looks less pregnant than most people who are not pregnant, if that makes any sense.
Here’s to wishing Polites a happy and healthy remainder of her pregnancy and a safe childbirth. She looks fantastic, of course. And she’d better enjoy all that selfie time before the baby comes because kids love to hog a camera.