The rumors are finally official. Batman is pregnant. Wait, no. Not those rumors. The other ones. Robert Pattinson is playing Batman in Matt Reeves’ The Batman. Already there have been petitions against Pattinson’s casting that were assuredly started by people who are fun at parties. But many other people seem to have learned from previous examples of actors in Batman movies — like Michael Keaton and Heath Ledger — who were supposedly wrong for the part until people saw them on screen being totally right for the part.
Not everyone was angry about Pattinson’s casting. Some reactions to the news on Twitter have been refreshingly optimistic or just funny without any premature ire.
For example, some offered condolences:
Apologies to Robert Pattinson for making him return to Comic-Con and deal with nerd bullshit for the next six years
— Justin Carter (@GigawattConduit) May 31, 2019
Back when the rumors first started circulating two weeks ago, his fans quickly noted he’d made an “I’m Batman” joke years ago:
he predicted it himself in the eclipse commentary y'all #RobertPattinson #Batman pic.twitter.com/IRCYnv806B
— ⊱ 𝕃 ⊰ (@rkandcinema) May 17, 2019
People were quick to point out Pattinson’s broodiness is an obvious match:
please do not let the dude who seems to be an insubstantial pretty-boy but is actually a thoughtful weirdo with a morbid streak play the cape boy https://t.co/BsjLaj4B31
— Anthony Oliveira (@meakoopa) May 19, 2019

And people who’ve noticed what he’s been in lately seemed assured, but people also looked way back on his Harry Potter days:
Everyone saying Robert Pattinson is a bad actor clearly didn't go through a phase like I did and I'm going to need everyone to go watch every and all of his movies. ALSO HE WAS CEDRIC DIGGORY YOU HEATHENS
— Rachel Leishman (@RachelLeishman) May 17, 2019
Others tried to guess what Pattinson’s Batman will look like:
Me after finding out that Robert Pattinson may be the new Batman… 😅 pic.twitter.com/C5iXbZHItA
— Chris Wong-Swenson⚡ (@pingpongflix) May 17, 2019
First look at Robert Pattinson as Batman…. #TheBatman pic.twitter.com/CuxVrIv33x
— John Flickinger (@theFLICKpick) May 30, 2019
We asked our in-house Photoshop artist to whip up an image of Robert Pattinson in the Batman costume and we would like you to know that person has been fired. pic.twitter.com/p9Eul1xiah
— Birth.Movies.Death. (@bmoviesd) May 31, 2019
While one person pointed out that foreign actors terk er jerbs:
Robert Pattinson meeting with all the rest of the British actors taking all the American superhero roles: pic.twitter.com/c5evHk4gi1
— Caped Informer (@CapedInformer) May 17, 2019
More Twilight jokes were made:
Bella Swan: I know what you are.
Edward Cullen: Say it. Out loud. Say it.
Bella Swan: Batman. pic.twitter.com/X86WL1ojGf— Jeremy Baker (@Jeremy_Baker) May 17, 2019
Folks are out here using Twilight to shit on Robert Pattinson like he doesn’t hate those movies a million times more than y’all do, lmao
— Renfamous ⭐️ (@renfamous) May 17, 2019
Despite any silly petitions, many people seemed to be willing to withhold judgment:
┃┃╱╲ in this
┃╱╱╲╲ house
╱╱╭╮╲╲ we
▔▏┗┛▕▔ accept
Robert Pattinson as
our Batman
╱╱┏┳┓╭╮┏┳┓ ╲╲
▔▏┗┻┛┃┃┗┻┛▕▔— Alamo Drafthouse NYC (@AlamoNYC) May 31, 2019
updating my "does Batman fuck?" chart:
Adam West – yes, but in an Austin Powers way
Michael Keaton – hell yes
Val Kilmer – yes
George Clooney – no
Christian Bale – no
Ben Affleck – lol no
Robert Pattinson – either too depressed to fuck, OR alarmingly horny. no middle ground.— Gavia Baker-Whitelaw (@Hello_Tailor) May 17, 2019
Your friendly reminder that internet conjecture means nothing until you see the actual performance on screen. Will Robert Pattinson be good as #TheBatman? I don't know. You probably don't either. Here's a wonderful compilation of people's reactions to Heath Ledger as the Joker. pic.twitter.com/eu4vza3cJW
— Jimmy Wong (@jfwong) May 31, 2019
Some were concerned for his safety:
Umm hello variety, the Joker could read this https://t.co/0gCpjzA71L
— Jon Millstein (@jmillstein) May 31, 2019
And others kept their gaze aimed stolidly towards the future and all it may contain:
Robert Pattinson is now one step closer to completing the fang trifecta. First he played a vampire, now Batman and *fingers crossed* he’ll be the next Count Chocula.
— Jenny Johnson (@JennyJohnsonHi5) May 31, 2019
oh no robert pattinson in batman what if he doesn't do a good job of it like all the other amazing absolutely stunning totally on point batmans we've had
— Sam Sykes (@SamSykesSwears) May 17, 2019
Robert Pattinson as Batman??? What next, another actor playing a different role??? When will it end
— Fred Delicious 🍆 (@Fred_Delicious) May 17, 2019