Important Breaking News: Dinosaurs Versus Aliens

So, this exists.

Barry Sonnenfeld is working on the third Men In Black movie right now, and he’s already lined up his next project.  He’ll be directing the film adaptation of a graphic novel which isn’t published yet (because why wait to see if it’s good?).  Grant Morrison and Mukesh Singh will write Dominion: Dinosaurs Versus Aliens for Liquid Comics later this year, and Sonnenfeld is spearheading the publishing/film deal.

Despite sounding like a title picked by throwing darts at index cards written on by 8-year-olds and a project greenlit on the basis of the picture above alone, it’s Grant Morrison.  Meaning it’ll probably melt faces.  Oh man, I hope there’s a dinosaur named Grant Morrison written into this and there’s an anarchistic Tyrannosaurus rex who tries to throw a bomb except he has little arms so he blows himself up and it’s so loaded with symbolism you guys like oh my god you just don’t get it.

Er, anyway, here’s what it’s really about:

The graphic novel will chronicle a secret prehistoric world war battle. When an alien invasion attacks Earth in the age of the dinosaurs, the planet’s only hope is the giants that roam the planet with, it turns out, a lot more intelligence than previously realized. [Deadline]

More intelligent than previously realized?  Hmm, perhaps they’ve said too much:

[Inset picture via Buzzfeed, “The Critic” clip via ThePlaylist]