John Travolta Is Probably Your Next ‘Bond’ Villain, Says John Travolta

Noted Scientologist and spray hair aficionado John Travolta sat down for an interview with The Telegraph recently, and expressed his aspirations for landing the iconic role of the James Bond villain in the next installment of the franchise. Seems like the reasonable next strategic move for a guy just announced to play a crotch-grabbing gummy bear. The Huffington Post notes:

“I would love that,” Travolta said in a recent interview with The Telegraph. “They’re going a different way with their villain in the next film but I’ve spoken to Barbara Broccoli about it and she loves the idea, so that would be great.”

Broccoli is a film producer responsible for the most recent Bond films — “Skyfall,” “Quantum of Solace” and “Casino Royal” — starring Daniel Craig as Britain’s top secret agent. Whether or not Travolta’s discussions with Broccoli have been legitimate business talks or off-handed dreaming remains to be seen.

Travolta seems to have his sights set on the role. He told the Telegraph he would not “close the chapter on playing villains” until he hits the highest level with a Bond film.

You know, this might actually be a good fit for him after all. What good is a rope whip to the nards when you can restrain your enemy and force them to watch the following video on a loop over and over and over again? MOST TERRIFYING BOND VILLAIN EVER.

via Huffington Post