Guess Which ‘Doctor Who’ Star Is Joining ‘Guardians Of The Galaxy’

You probably recognize Karen Gillan from Doctor Who. This Scottish ginger portrays Amy Pond, the Eleventh Doctor’s first companion in Series 5 through Series 7 (and she played the Soothsayer in Series 4). Now THR says Gillan will play the “lead female villain” in Marvel’s Guardians of the Galaxy.

James Gunn is set to start directing the film in the UK this month, and Gillan is joined by two other villains, Michael Rooker as Yondu and Lee Pace as an unnamed villain who might have a change of heart. Also cast in (or negotiating to join) Guardians of the Galaxy are Glenn Close and John C. Reilly as the head of Nova Corps and their version of Agent Coulson, respectively. There’s also Chris Pratt as Star-Lord, Zoe Saldana as Gamora, Dave Bautista as Drax the Destroyer, as well as Ophelia Lovibond and Enzo Cilenti in unannounced roles.

I have no joke about this since we have no clue which villain she’s playing, so, uh… here’s a picture of Karen Gillan being awesome.

I think we’ve just found Matt Smith’s replacement. By that I mean the kid, not Gillan, since ginger Time Lords on Gallifrey have different powers than non-ginger Time Lords, so the Doctor couldn’t just choose to have those extra powers and oh my God I’m a dork I’ll shut up now.

[Pictures via Featureflash and LATFG.]