Apparent Election Day Loser Lauren Boebert Is Being Relentlessly Trolled For Losing After Her Election Day Tweet Taunting Democrats As ‘Losers’

Rootin’ tootin’ Lauren Boebert surely didn’t imagine that she’d have a rocky road to reelection. In the harsh light of day, she may have lost her bid even as Colorado’s 3rd district remains too close to call. For at least a month, relatively unknown Adam Frisch gained momentum and even achieved a statistical tie in polls after essentially running as “not-Boebert.” Not to be deterred, the Sarah Palin doppelgänger continued her usual method of dragging Democrats with a bizarre taxation “lesson” for Halloween, and she unintentionally pulled her best imitation of a The Daily Show correspondent when The Denver Post begged readers not to hand “toxic” Boebert their vote.

As Election Day began, Boebert projected an air of condescending confidence while predicting that Democrats would be the “losers!” of the election during a “#RedWave.” Is this poetry that she tweeted? I’m not sure. “They called you cockroaches,” she began. “They called you cult members. They called you extremists. They called you terrorists. Today, we call them losers!”

As well, Boebert gave off an early evening celebratory vibe with a “The red wave has begun!” in reference to Anna Paulina Luna’s House victory in Florida.

Well, a slam-dunk Boebert victory doesn’t seem like it’s in the cards. The New York Times is reporting that she still has a shot, but the Associated Press declares that results are still too close to call after Frisch grabbed an early lead and is still hanging on with 50.6% of the vote while Boebert trails with 49.4%. It’s a nail biter for sure.

Let’s just say that people enjoyed throwing the “losers” back in Boebert’s face. This included a remark (from The Lincoln Project’s Rick Wilson) that “Lauren Boebert going down harder than Donald Trump on the Mar a Lago waffle station.”

And the deluge began. Is Boebert the real loser? People are pouncing on that potential outcome already.

It ain’t over yet! There may very well be more routin’ and tootin’ to come.