Lindsay Lohan Posted An Arabic ‘Inspirational’ Quote That Didn’t Mean What She Thought It Did

"Speed The Plow" - Press Night After Party Arrivals
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Lindsay Lohan embarrassed herself on social media again this week, but this time, it amazingly didn’t involve any terribly photoshopped selfies. On Monday, Lohan Instragrammed what I assume she thought to be an Arabic inspirational quote, with the words in English underneath ostensibly translating to “you’re beautiful.”

Unfortunately, that’s not what the quote meant at all, as pointed out late yesterday by Arabic journalist Jenan Moussa:


Likewise, Google Translate confirms:

Lohan has since removed the post, but if it were a crime to horribly mistranslate another culture’s language, we’d have prisons full of people with bad Chinese symbol tattoos from the ’90s.

(Via TIME)