One Of Lori Loughlin’s Daughters Deleted Her Instagram The Day After Her Parents Pleaded Not Guilty

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It’s been an especially rough week for Lori Loughlin and her family. On the heels of news that she and husband Mossimo Giannulli rejected a cushy plea deal which would have gotten them just two years behind bars — the DA slapped them with a money laundering conspiracy charge. On Monday, the couple was apparently left with no other choice but to plead not guilty and are now each looking at a 40 year maximum prison sentence.

Although it’s now been a month since the college admissions scandal first broke, E! Online noticed that Loughlin’s eldest (and less famous) daughter Isabella “Bella” Rose Giannulli quietly deleted her Instagram account on Tuesday. Her sister Olivia Jade, 19, still has an active account, however both sisters turned off commenting capabilities on social media platforms including YouTube weeks earlier.

Neither sister has commented on the family drama — or posted on social media at all, for that matter — in the past month.

It’s a mystery why Bella Rose just now decided to delete her account, although the timing to the latest development in the case is certainly interesting. What’s more, the Daily Mail is ambiguously reporting that one of Loughlin’s daughters is now the focus of a Department of Justice probe for her involvement in the college admission scandal.

This report has yet to be confirmed, but according to “multiple sources,” one of Loughlin’s daughters received a letter from federal prosecutors earlier this month informing her that she was the subject of an investigation which could result in criminal charges regarding the Operation Varsity Blues investigation:

It is a not-so-veiled threat,’ said one source who has seen the letter.

‘[The US Attorney’s Office for the District of Massachusetts] is making it pretty clear that they have evidence that very strongly suggests she knew of the illegal plot.’

The sources spoke with only knew about one of the daughters getting a letter, the tone of which was described as ‘ominous.’

Being that both Bella Rose and Olivia Jade had to pretend to join crew team to gain admission into USC, it seems as if they likely had to know that something was fishy, whether or not they were aware of the legalities.

(Via E! Online & Daily Mail)