What have we discovered that will make the future that much gloriously weirder this week?
- Scientists have found that our most important memories reside in only a few neurons. How’d they find this? By blasting those neurons with lasers. Well, and also using an algae protein. It’s complex.
- Gizmodo makes the case for cooking turning us into an invasive species.
- Columbia University Medical Center has figured out how to replicate your immune system in a mouse.
- Scientists have figured out how to create false memories in mice. Somewhere, Philip K. Dick is laughing.
- Reseachers in Japan have found listening to classical music makes mice more likely to accept a heart transplant.
- A paper battery is officially possible. At least in theory.
- We’ve enslaved microbes to make graphene for us.
- And the latest in autism research suggests that it is genetic after all, and due to having too big a brain, essentially.
Any stories we missed? Let us know in the comments!
image courtesy Duke Yearlook on Flickr